The Ultimate Guide To Advertising Agency

Advertising agency I was  telling him I said man I regret I went  too small I went too little say that I didn’t go wide enough right I’m saying Advertising agency if I started all over again Jordan I would definitely be an advertiser and I said he would be awesome in advertising  so hard and so forth great.

To have you here man great to be here thank you for having me love having anybody that’s a reach the  kind of success that you’ve had thank your life and I hope to learn a lot from you today so before we start talking about the four billion dollar man okay.


You  know all right art the birds heart to hear those numbers it is yeah it’s hard to hit four million dollars you’re coming from nothing yeah I mean four even four million right yeah yeah  so so let’s go back to Jordan the little Jordan December six years old seven years old okay where’d you grow up and what was the scene like I grew up in New Jersey.

The scene was like this let me  paint it for you yeah yeah every day I heard my friend’s parents and my parents friends complaining how much they hated their jobs complaining that they never made enough money and could hardly pay their bills uh-huh so I said to my dad  grow up poor middle class lower middle class okay okay so.

I said to my dad why are these people like this and he looked at me and said son they never valued education they never had a goal in life or a dream they never pursued anything and they took any job they could get to  pay their bills got married had kids and they are stuck uh-huh and like you would have said I said the same thing how do I avoid that.

Yeah so how many kids in the family four bus four four kids and where are you in the in I was the oldest you’re the oldest kid you so you get a little  more attention than the other ones yeah I was I was sitting there I was sitting away for the family okay and so lower.

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